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Amazon FBA Seller Listing


In everyday life, you must find that every e-commerce platform has a product detail page. The product detail page is used to introduce the product to potential customers and attract customers to place orders. On Amazon, this product detail page has a unique name: Amazon listing. So if you are an Amazon FBA seller, how do you maintain Amazon listing information to effectively attract customers to place orders? Let's take a look at the matters of Amazon listing~

Automatic Repair

For brand FBA sellers, even if the probability of Listing errors is relatively low, they still need to be highly vigilant about situations such as platform violation words or missing product attributes, because these problems may cause Listing to be removed, suspended sales or even inventory errors. Therefore, sellers should develop the habit of regularly checking the Listing inventory repair page of IPI, and they should be good at using the "automatic repair" function of Listing in a timely manner. Through this function, sellers can set up automatic updates for problem Listings, or achieve automatic conversion of shipping methods.

Automatic Removal

The "Automatic Removal" function at the bottom of the page can be set according to actual needs, and Amazon will properly handle the FBA inventory of problem Listings according to the customized rules. If there is no information displayed on this page, it means that there is currently no problem with the Listing, but the information should still be monitored for changes in the future.

Replenish Inventory

In order to avoid out-of-stock hot-selling items, in the "Replenish Inventory" interface of IPI, Amazon will list the inventory supply days of each SKU product in detail. Here, sellers can monitor the existing Listing inventory in real time, and then rationally formulate the FBA shipping plan.

Firstly, immediate replenishment should be arranged. In the process of product sales, sellers must keep an eye on the daily sales status and inventory of SKU, and also estimate the future sales trend of SKU. In fact, this is a normalized work that starts from the product selection stage, especially for sellers with their own supply chain advantages, they must fully consider the production cycle of SKU and the time of FBA warehousing. Of course, everyone also needs to refer to Amazon's PBA replenishment suggestions. After a comprehensive evaluation, create an FBA shipping plan according to actual needs. At the same time, for SKUs with long replenishment cycles, especially during sales peak seasons such as member day and shopping season, they need to use tricks such as price adjustments to effectively control the sales speed of single SKU and achieve the expected inventory dynamic balance.

Secondly, if there is no subsequent sales plan for a SKU, the seller needs to select "Hide Suggestions" in the "Replenish Inventory" interface to inform Amazon that there is no subsequent warehousing plan for this SKU. In this way, the corresponding SKU in an out-of-stock state will not be included in the scope of IPI inventory performance assessment, and it will not have a negative impact on the score of IPI.

Through the above methods, you can orderly improve the factor scores of IPI and thus increase the comprehensive index. Sellers can also click on the details of the IPI score in the background to view the growth trend of the IPI index.

The best way to solve a problem is to avoid it. We can predict the sales volume of ASIN through big data analysis and real-time monitoring, combined with the optimization of the supply chain, reduce the probability of product unsalability, and reduce losses. Meanwhile, the conversion rate of products can be improved with the help of in-site and off-site marketing methods.

The above is all about Amazon listing information maintenance, hope it can help you as an Amazon FBA seller!

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